Kitchen Ligure

Visiting Genoa also means enjoying the gastronomic specialties of Genoa and Liguria, such as TRENETTE or TROFIE AL PESTO (basil sauce typical of Genoa, extra virgin olive oil if possible from the Riviera Ligure, parmesan reggiano and pecorino, pine nuts, garlic and salt).
RAVIOLI AL TOCCO, PANSOTI IN NUTSIDE SAUCE, CIMA IN GENOISE, FOCACCIA IN OIL and FOCACCIA IN CHEESE (specialty of Recco). The STOCCAFISSO with the sponge cake, TORTA PASQUALINA (pie with chard or artichokes and ricotta). Especially in winter, you can taste FARINATA (with chickpea flour), PANISSA, MINESTRONE (which has the peculiarity that pesto is added). The CAPPON MAGRO, the CIUPPIN and the BURIDDA (fish soup). The FRITTELLE of BACCALA ', the RIPIENI MISTI, the CAPPONADA. Then there are desserts: the PANDOLCE (Genoese cake, in its double high and low version), CANESTRELLI, LAGACCIO biscuits, CASTAGNACCIO (cake of chestnut flour), AMARETTI. As a wine, since it is always more difficult to find CORONATA WHITE WINE (with the incomparable flavor of sulfur), we offer the ROSSESE DE DOLCEACQUA, ORMEASCO, PIGATO, VERMENTINO, LUMASSINA and very famous SCIACCHETRA '(passito dolce, sweet wine of the 5 Terres).

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